Web Design Basics Seminar on Zoom

Simplify and organize your website with your client in mind!

WHEN: Sunday August 16, 1pm - 4pm.
WHERE: Zoom video.
WHO: Small business owners, artists, freelancers, solopreneurs.. anyone with an online presence!
COST: $125

Website builders like Wix, Weebly, Squarespace or Wordpress are tools, and just like any tool, you have to know how to use it to make it effective. I see many small business owners create their website with little plan or strategy and fall in the trap of the pre-made template. I created this 3 hour seminar to help you think like a potential client and incorporate some key elements to make your website more effective.

Here is a breakdown of the points we will cover. All of these will take into account the client experience - how seamlessly they click through your content, getting the relevant information quickly, and being guided to a clear call to action:

  • Get clear on the purpose of your website - with your business and client in mind.
  • Identify key pieces of information that your clients must see immediately on your website.
  • Think strategically - design for optimal user experience.
  • Professional visuals - photography and graphic design.
  • Simplify, simplify, simplify!
  • I was particularily impressed with the way you connected with each one of the us. You took your time to view the websites beforehand and shared your knowledge in a creative and professional manner.
    — Nicole

    I will keep the seminar small and encourage you to participate with questions and ideas, so please register for a spot while they are available!

    IMPORTANT: if you have trouble registering online on your phone, please use a desktop computer or laptop, or send me an e-mail to info@radinaphotography.com and we will get you registered!

    If you can’t make this date but are interested in a future date, please send me an e-mail at info@radinaphotography.com, along with any specific topics or questions you’d like to see covered! To learn more about my web design services and consultation options, visit my Web Design page.

    Please email me if you have any questions at info@radinaphotography.com.

    I thought Radina’s class on Website Basics was invaluable! We learned where to begin, what to consider regarding our business & customers, how to keep it simple.

    I highly recommend her class!
    — Donelle