I will help you create a clean, effective, and to-the-point informative website. Training included!
About building your website
There are a number of tools available on the internet to make your own website from a chosen template. There is Wix, there is Squarespace, there is Weebly, and about a hundred more similar services.
So easy, even YOU can do it! But should you?
What those tools can’t do for you is decide:
WHAT to add to your website,
what to leave out, and
how to make sure your information is laid out in a user-friendly way to
effectively connect with your audience.
A BIG part of working with me is those value-added conversations - partly business advisor, partly copy editor, partly coach to help you simplify your message!
I work exclusively with the Squarespace platform. I find it to be reliable and stable, offering beautiful modern templates optimized really well for mobile (where most clients will likely find you these days!!!), and the biggest benefit is how user-friendly it is for YOU to learn to use and maintain your website confidently! You can do almost anything on Squarespace, from blogs to online stores, podcasts and more. Maintenance is done by Squarespace behind the scenes to ensure your website doesn’t start looking broken or outdated as technology evolves, and all you have to do is keep your information up-to-date.
To get you started on a fresh and effective online presence, I want to help you with creating a beautiful, clean and functional website, designed with your client in mind:
- to optimize their experience,
- communicate the most important points about your business and you efficiently,
- to make it easy for them to reach you or buy from you.
Finally, you get hands-on training and custom training videos on how to update it confidently as you grow and evolve!
Professional branding Imagery
As an added service, I also offer photography packages to start off your fresh online presence with professional imagery. This is typically a handful of professionally edited images to fit your brand and aesthetic, including a headshot, and a few images to tell your story. These could be product images, storefront or office space, or custom designed emotive imagery to communicate ideas and mood in line with your brand.
Simple portfolio-based single page websites start at $1100+GST, and include 1 hour hands-on training time, teaching you how to rock it yourself when it’s all said and done! Additionally, up to 3 custom short training videos can be made showing you how to do updates on your OWN website! Much better to follow along than watching a YouTube tutorial done on a different website!
Custom per-project pricing is needed for most websites with additional pages and features and where my input is needed to create some of the content. I always aim to simplify, simplify, simplify as much as possible, and will help you find the optimal solution for your needs and budget. Where possible, I aim to add value to your business by helping you with copy, light image editing, and sharing all my business wisdom and advice.
Examples of add-on features include
e-mail marketing set up,
podcast set up,
online booking forms,
detailed registration forms,
online store/donation,
professional photography,
essential graphic design and more.
The first step is your complimentary discovery call.
No obligation or pressure.
I will help you get clear on what features your website needs to have, what are not necessary, and come up with the appropriate budget for the work. I promise to give you as much knowledge and wisdom as I can to help you succeed on your journey as a business owner or entrepreneur!
Case Studies
Flexible Life Coach: Laura Burns
I LOVED working on this project with Laura: https://www.flexiblelifecoach.com/ . She is a life coach who has combined her passion for helping people feel comfortable in their body by stretching with her coaching skills, into a unique integrated program. She is also a very gifted podcaster.
I created a professional, clean, brand-centric portrait of Laura to be her go-to brand image.
I made Laura a simple logo and browser icon, to get us to the next level with her branding.
I chose a minimalist, modern and inviting colour scheme, balanced with nice clean fonts to get a consistent look and feel throughout not just her website, but other marketing materials.
Copy - often times it is difficult to write the copy yourself when describing what you do and who you are. I helped Laura pull it all together into cohesive messaging and descriptive summary of what clients need to know.
Linda Jones: headshot designed to fit the overall look of the website, and celebrate Linda’s unique personality
Linda Jones Studio: art and art classes
Here is a great example of a recent website that I built for Delta artist Linda Jones: https://www.lindajonesstudio.com/ , including creating her headshot.
We simplified significantly the information and content presented to her clients by getting clear on what her goals are.
We went simple, simple, simple, focused on making it easy for her potential clients to know who she is, where she is, what she does, and how to contact her easily!
Linda now is able to log into her website and change dates and times to her art classes as needed.
We also made her a custom art class registration form to help with organization and save her some back-and-forth phone calls and e-mails.
Linda understood the importance of presenting a clean, professional image of herself so her potential clients can connect with her on a personal level. We set up her headshot session with her branding and general aesthetic in mind, paying attention to colours and details, and once again aimed for simple, and authentic.
Sӧde Animal Massage
Amanda and her bestie, Lucy!
Another recent website I finished is for fellow animal lover Amanda, who offers animal massage services: https://www.sodeanimalmassage.com/ .
I worked with Amanda on honing in on what was the important content to convey to her audience, how to tell her own story to better connect with other animal lovers, and she also invested in professional imagery to complete the package! She can now proudly share her brand new website with the world!
Let’s chat on the phone to see what you might need, what you don’t, and take it from there! You could have a brand new website in just a couple of weeks!